a spectacle in the city
en la próxima estación: entrada liberta(d)
The main roads of the city will
be overflown by manifold groups that will be drawn in a colourful
caravan by a spaceship on four wheels. The spaceship will begin
to gather the caravan around 12.30 at Bavarski dvor and will
take it towards the sun. New stations, new ships, flying and
multi-storied will join. The space will be permeated by the
spectacle of the moving caravan
street performance, free style, juggling, singing shelters, League
of improvisers, pressing theatre, jackson's Elvises, graffiti,
c3, young and happy, food without bombs, masters of fire, DJs,
banners of great sizes, masks and dancing, abstract films, lighting
contours, United drums, pupetteers, interpretation of feelings
and improvisation ...
Even though the spectacle will be an artistic, cultural, estetical
one, it will be damned political...
It will be created in an unorganised way – everybody
will be able to enter for free and freely at the next station
en la próxima estación: entrada liberta(d) ... The spectacle will
narrate about a station that is not NATO, that is free, movable
and open, that has no aim but still is flowing in a positive way
into a certain direction, that can freely and flexibly choose
further stations, that breathes and permeates with feelings, that
is accessible to children and adults, that is common, that is
being built by imagination and bodies, outside of institutions,
accompanied by the sounds of drums and guitars...
The spectacle will be now and then interrupted for
three minutes by the intellectuals who won't be collecting cultural-political
points but sharing the feeling of the day - en la próxima estación
entrada liberta(d)!
The spectacle will be eyed by television cameras,
radios will be sending the sounds into the world, photographs
will be trying to steel a moment of the entrada liberta(d) and
enthusiasm will flow into the microphones: en la próxima estación:
entrada liberta(d)!
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- NO
speakers corner
at Pre¹eren square
Every citizen can PUBLICLY express their opinions
and demands in regard to Slovenia's memberhip in NATO, war against
Iraq, violence of capitalism...
Pre¹eren square,
Friday, 8 Nov 2002,
13.00 – 18.00
On November 8 the Pre¹eren's speakers
corner will give you the opportunity to appeal to Slovenia and the
world for solidarity, tolerance, justice, peace and nonviolence.
Individuals, (in)formal organisations, associations, groups etc.
are invited to participate actively.
The speakers' Friday afternoon will
be accompanied by numerous DJs, drummers and other performers.
March for Peace:
Zvezda park (Kongresni trg) at 10 am: beginning of gathering,
warm cofffee, tea, baked chestnuts, street theatre, melodies of
the choir over the barricades.
At 11.55 beginning of the walk. Our
walking accompanied by the rhythms of music and drumming will
be a multitude of steps of resistance against the political castes,
against their betrayals, greed, lies, their military pact - of
resistance against NATO!
We will join our bodies against NATO - this watchdog of the plenty
of few and the reason for suffering of the many - and will reconquer
the streets on which we will show our resistant creativity and
imagination and point to the destructive and decaying mind of
the militarists.
November 9 (international day against
fascism) will be a day of screaming against NATO and of walking
into a world of peace and freedom, a world without exclusion and
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